A cafe patio is also a backyard.

An office is the perfect place for a pop up tea cart

A street made for cars is also fertile ground for bicyclists, pedestrians, transit, deliveries, as well as makeshift playgrounds, street furniture, and green canopies

Smaller apartments mean more public space

A restaurant kitchen is perfect for a cooking class

A home is also a hotel

We simply don’t have enough space in the city to completely isolate each space, let alone give it dedicated parking spots and a grassy front yard. Finding creative ways to share space is essential. And yet it’s not completely straightforward. The company and the tea cart are complimentary uses. Homes and hotels are not. Except, of course, for the two weeks of vacation when the home is empty which Airbnb aggregates and turns into a distributed hotel. What else is traditionally separate, just waiting for someone to figure out how we can share?